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One on one customized training that focuses on you, your goals and your needs.  Together we assess your goals, time frames, current fitness, injuries and needs and we come up with a program that best works for you.  I commit to your goals just as much as you do. 

           CORE STRENGTH

Core strength is so important.  Why, you ask?   All of our movements are powered by the torso--the abs and back work together to support the spine when we sit, stand, bend over, pick things up, exercise and more. The torso is the body's center of power, so the stronger you are in that area, the easier your life will be.  I love exercising the core and try to sneak it in everywhere.


I can help you understand nutritional guidlines, read and understand nutritional food panels, count calories, design menus and help you understand what your body does and doesn't need.  Food journals are also an important tool for dieting success and I can teach you how to start one.

           MUSCLE TONE


Good muscle tone helps to prevent injuries that may occur unintentionally. They help the bones to stay in place and do the job that they are supposed to do. They help the body to move the way that it was designed to move.  Unfortunately, the phrase "use it or lose it" applies to fitness.  If you don't continue a fitness regimen you lose muscle tone.  I will help you build and maintain muscle. 



Some people need motivation and accountability.  This is where group training comes in.  It's fun.  It's more affordable. And sometimes it can mix things up and allow you to try something out of your comfort zone.


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